Strata Options

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Changing your body corporate manager simplified


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How you can benefit by using StrataOptions


We'll find you up to 5 approved body corporate managers instantly

Body corporate managers suggested by us have been screened with regard to: Experience, Reputation, Longevity and Area of operation.


Compare prices and services easily using our 26 point chart

Prices are presented in a simple summary format making it easy to compare prices and services between body corporate management companies.


We speed-up & simplify the changeover process

Our know-how helps owners corporations change body corporate management in the most effective manner.


Our service is free to owners corporation members

Our highly regarded service is free to owners corporations. They are also eligible for a discount arranged by us for a 16.7% deduction from the first years fee.

Get your quote in 3 easy steps!


1. Register

We'll ask you a few questions in order to calculate and prepare your options. Call us on our toll-free number if you have any queries.


2. View our recommendations

Click on the email link you'll receive to view your options in a clear and simple format. Prices and those services that are included are clearly defined.


3. You request a specific quote

Simply click the orange button to obtain full detailed quotes from the body corporate managers you select. This makes you eligible for the StrataOptions discount of 16.7% off the first year's fee.

Don't just take our word for it. See what our clients have to say

"Thank you so much for all of your assistance. We are very grateful to have had your help and guidance through the whole process."

Jan C - 79 units Haymarket

"We were able to quickly get quotes which were easily comparable and enabled the Strata Committee to move forward with minimal fuss on making a decision on which strata managers to short list for further evaluation"

John H - 29 units Mosman

"The website tabulates concise and detailed information making decision making so much easier. The strata companies represented on this website want you to be their client"

Anne M - 13 units Allawah

"Yes Strata Options were very helpful in the early stages when some owners and members of the executive committee were trying to work through the issues to change strata managing agents. The difficulty of deciding what agent to go with was made easier via the Strata Options process."

Dennis J - 84 lots Hornsby

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